Shanghai Junk

Friday, October 27, 2006


October 27, 2006

So this is the beginning of the adventure. Probably the first few posts will not be terribly interesting as we are still in Michigan and are preparing for the move. Just so you know, I will, in all likelihood, be the primary poster (Randy has never been all that verbal, although has excellent writing skills when the spirit moves him). But I'll try to include his take on the situation as much as possible.

The house is for sale. After various attempts at procuring renters, it become clear that divesting ourselves of the house and various payments that go along with home ownership was the best thing to do. It's just too bad we didn't come to that realization a little sooner because we are now attempting to sell in quite a hurry, and do not have the luxury of putting a decent price on the house or being the beneficiary of a bidding war. The market does not warrant this scenario so we have basically under-priced our home in an attempt to make a quick sale. Randy leaves on November 6th, returns for the holidays, and we will both travel together to Shanghai sometime after my son's marriage (David) on January 13th. So it's not like we're needing to vacate immediately but given the housing situation, it's not a lot of time to sell a home.

We are going through the process of making a simple will, appointing powers of attorney, divesting ourselves of unwanted belongings, selling vehicles, getting flu shots, making various visits to doctors, optometrists, etc. to make sure we are financially and physically ready for this move. Emotionally, well, it's a roller coaster. Neither Randy nor I were terribly dissatisfied with our lives, so I can't say that we're overjoyed at "chucking it all and moving to the other side of the world," but we are open minded enough to realize an amazing opportunity when we see one. So we are committed to the move, and knowing us, we'll manage to have a pretty good time.

Randy will be helping to start up a new business venture, a sister company, if you will, to the company for which we both work now - Kaumagraph, a division of ADS (Advanced Decorative Systems). The new company will be called ADS Shanghai and is going to be located in Anting in the Jiading district in the Northwest part of Shanghai which is on the Eastern seaboard of China. That's your geography lesson for today, and probably all that I know regarding Shanghai and the Chinese map. I have learned that the weather is similar to that of Tennessee or northern Georgia in climate which doesn't sound too bad. We pick up as much information online as we can so that we have some clue as to what to expect upon arrival.

We have made some contacts in Shanghai through colleagues here in the states. They have been incredibly helpful in terms of offering advice and assistance in any way possible, and for that we are very grateful.

So as you can see, there isn't that much exciting about which to talk just yet. There may not be many posts before the first of the year, but I'm sure Randy will have stories to offer when he arrives in a couple weeks, I'll try to continue the saga. Maybe I can get him to do some of his own posting. We'll see.